Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 18:08:11 -0500 From: To: Subject: Re: New R & R HoFers Message-ID: <> The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is on its way to being that which casual music fans will treat as the definitive word on the history of rock and roll. Again, I'll ask the same question that I asked Mike Bennett earlier in this thread: Is it really? This smacks of an assertion for which there is no proof whatsoever. Or at best I'll wager that you have extremely limited anecdotal evidence that casual music fans actually give a now-legendary hindquarters of *Rattus norvegicus* what the people behind the R&RHoF think about anything. Just as an interesting experiment, I'd like to see someone stand on a street corner and poll passersby (who would, presumably, mostly consist of casual music fans) as to their views about the R&RHoF. I'd also like to find out how many of them could identify who is in the Hall and who isn't. While my assertion is just as unproveable as yours in lieu of someone actually conducting this poll, I'd wager good money that the vast majority of casual music fans polled would be completely indifferent to the R&RHoF, and generally ignorant of who had been inducted and who hadn't (outside of obvious household-name megastars such as Elvis, the Beatles, and the Stones). Gregory Sager