I don't remember who the female artist was who did the response song to The Rain was, but I remember the chorus was something like: Thunder and lightning is a quiet storm When (something, something, something) it's hard to stay warm..." In fact, the song might've been titled "Thunder and Lightning (the Answer to The Rain)." --Shawn >Oran "Juice" Jones had a minor hit called "The Rain" which was quickly > followed up by a response tune called, I believe, "Answer to The Rain". Never heard the latter, but I'll never forget the former... "I saw you and him walkin' in the rain... You were holding hands and I'll never be the same..." He was still recording as recently as the late '90s...but I have a feeling he may not be troubling the charts anymore... __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Jazz up your holiday email with celebrity designs. Learn more. http://celebrity.mail.yahoo.com