Bryan wrote: I don't know why you (Jaimie), in particular, and some of the other cranks on this list (you know who you are) feel it's appropriate to always make some kind of shitty remark knowing that it might upset people. Do you all really care so little for anyone else's opinion? Maybe it has something to do with your personality? I reply: I call "all of it" BAITING, Bryan, and there are folks on this list who do it daily and seem to get a charge out of it. I think the best thing we can all do is simply ignore them, just pretend the post never appeared, that the words never entered into your consciousness to begin with. In other words, don't take the bait, no matter how much it irks you. Let their poisonous words wither and die in public without any further comment. I've also noticed that some folks seem to post WAY more often than others. I mean, you can count on seeing them on here several times *every* day! They seem to use this list as some sort of dumping ground. It seems that their ego's are way too involved in this little exercise, that they take it all too personally and way too seriously. I think the list would be better if some folks just "dialed it back" a bit, in general. Just my two cents (American). On a more personal note: I certainly don't need anyone from any other country lecturing me about the U.S. Constitution (not that we're infallible, certainly). It just seems to me to be the height of arrogance. I hope I'd never attempt it. I try to mind my own business and let others live as they may. I don't want to spread hatred and bile. I suppose you'd go to the Hatred and Bile group for that. I just don't think it's appropriate here on a music list, regardless. It's only Pop Music (isn't it?), and everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion. I try to accept the fact that there are people here on this list who's major purpose seems to be to inflame and incite. Ignore them with great gusto! Be glad that you aren't any one of them! Eventually, they self-destruct from carrying around all that bitterness. It's usually only a matter of time. I take a perverse pleasure in that fact. Let 'em rot from the inside out. Jeff T. Delaware P.S. Are we archived ANYWHERE nowadays (Michael)? I'm confused. I searched both smoe and yahoo the other day and both pages were unavailable. Before I ask about something publicly, it would be nice if I could see what's been posted about it in the past. I understand there were some liability questions or concerns before?