At Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 13:02:02 Matt wrote: >I call bullshit. Your original post was clearly written to dismiss >Dimebag's >worth - as a person or a musician I don't care to guess. Your insistence >now >that it was a pro-gun control statement is obvious backpedaling, and proves >that you're all bluster and no backbone. To post crap like that and then >urge people to take their responses off-list also seems cowardly to me. > >I caught some of the Elliott Smith discussion and had the same reaction as >Bryan. I'm far from politically correct, but your comments - and Stewart's >- >were hateful and unnecessary. So, the next time you pop off a callous post >like the one regarding Dimebag at least have the cajones to defend yourself >for being an asshole. If you want me to Zapruder your original post then I >will, otherwise don't try to insult our intelligence by calling it anything >but what it is. We get enough of that from our government. Damn. I've been found out. I make comments and I'm crucified. I'm asked to explain them and I'm crucified. Okay, you're right, I'm wrong. I'm an asshole. what? Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia