At Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 11:44:59 Andrew Hickey wrote: >On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 03:01:27 -0600, Ken Kase >wrote: > > Another interesting thing: Earlier this year, I heard a story on >National > > Public Radio about how the Library of Congress preserves music. You >won't > > believe what they're doing! They are transferring CD's to 78 rpm shellac > > discs because that's the most resilient form of preservation (provided >you > > don't drop them). > >I *loved* reading that, and was about to post about it to another >list, but then I googled to find the relevant information. >Unfortunately, the date of that broadcast was April 1, 2003... > Take a closer look at the header on the NPR says: "An April Fool's Day Treat from All Things Considered". The sidebar has a saucy little piece about NPR hot Rick Karr: "The next wave of the future? NPR's Rick Karr shouts into the horn of a newfangled audio recording device that records his voice on a hardened wax cylinder. Rick Karr holds an audio-enabled wax cylinder. The grooves on the cylinder can play back his own recorded voice. The experimental wax cylinder prototype may one day replace shellac -- just as soon as scientists can conquer the challenge of melting." At the bottom of the article is a number of links to April Fool's spoofs from previous years. Methinks people have been hoodwinked. This piece smells like an ONION....without the biting satire. Jaimie Vernon, Bullseye Records