Ok... trekked up to Best Buy, gave in and got the Beatles' reissue (motivated mostly by a post on here for the set's unofficial booklet insert offered via the internet which I received today and is a nice compliment to the set)... My take on the set: 1) Sounds clean... nothing to write home about but the Stereo seems a bit more dramatic than I can remember, more of a centered effect although the 24-Bit Millennium Remasters from a couple of years ago might edge it out headroom-wise by a lap or two, but nonetheless I still would have preffered the guys who did Yellow Submarine to have done the mixes here... but the true purpose is to present the mixes as close as we remember them... 2) The major plus is that it rounds out whatever cuts are missing from the already released CD's with more to come as future volumes are issued If you're as big as a Beatles' fan as I am, then there's no running away from getting this set to add to the collection... you won't be "at peace" with yourself until you do even if it is just to see it up there on the shelf together with the others... and I suspect you'll be happy you did... Cheers Miguel