wasn't for the same artist, but I'd go with Lynard Skynard's Sweet Home Alabama responding to Neil Young's Southern Man for $500, Steve. And wasn't there that whole "how do you sleep" thing with John and Paul? --kelly --- "Durben, Steven" wrote: > OK, this is kind of silly thread request but hey > I'm asking anyway. > Somehow I got the song "Judy's Turn to Cry" in my > head today (which is not > advisable). As you know, this was Leslie Gore's sung > turn of events (or > rather new improved, gloating, turn of events in the > protagonist's life) > from her big hit "It's My Party". The song always > struck me as curious and > well, slightly amusing per it being a lyrical > continuation as a follow up to > her big hit. It just "seems" like such an obvious > attempt to milk the cash > cow again. > > I know others have had similar themes (such as, > surfing ala The Beach Boys) > and many have tried for a similar musical sound as > the "hit" had. But how > about follow up songs written with specific > references to the song that was > originally a hit for the artist. That is, the song > serving as a sequel to > the original hit. > I'm also curious if there are examples from recent > times or was this more a > function of a simpler time.. > > Best, Steve D. > > > > > > ===== arma non servant modum __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com