In a message dated 11/30/2004 3:40:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, Dave Seaman writes: >I've been hearing a lot about the reunion show last week and how wonderful >it was from many folks who were there...and apparently there is a chance of >a 40 city tour occurring.  I for one would welcome the chance to see the >original 'Berries live---after all, these guys are the Godfathers of Power >Pop and, more importantly, they can still deliver the goods live.>>> > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my two cents, and i think my involvement in Raspberries stuff over the years is credible, but...... i think it would be highly unlikely a 40 date tour would be: a.) bookable AND bankable from a promoters standpoint-remember a few years ago when it seemed like something would happen? i just don't think they have the hit-making nostalgia or "Behind the Music' cache to interest the great unwashed..... b.) i wonder if the boys have the stamina and ego protection to make it thru I could MAYBE see them doing a handful of dates in larger cities around the country, but, honestly, i wonder if they have the kind of draw that Cleveland could give them, say, here in Boston, or in Denver perhaps? If it is not viable to promote and make a profit, no one will touch it..... cynical maybe, but that's why they call it the music BUSINESS!!!!!!! jim