<<>> They certainly can. I was there, and it was power pop heaven. I went in with the same concerns as others - do they still have it, or will they be lame? And the verdict was 100% positive... All of them were in fine voice, Eric rocked as hard as in the old days, the whole band in fact rocked hard when they needed to and made those familiar sweet sweet sounds everywhere else, the harmonies were exquisite, and the playing was stellar - spot on piano by Eric, freakin FANTASTIC and flawless lead guitar by Wally, exceptional and perfect drumming by Jimmy (including the Moonisms), and solid bass work by David. They were so tight, it was obvious they practiced their buns off. And may I add that the song selection was perfect - I heard about every song I could possibly want to hear from the first three albums (except for "I Reach For the Light"), and got the best stuff from their fourth, despite the absence of Scott McCarl (who Eric dedicated "Play On" to). In fact, I didn't miss Scott's participation, even though I think he would edge out Dave Smalley in the playing, singing and songwriting areas (which is no easy feat, Dave did a great job and had some classic songs under his belt). Plus some great covers of Beatles and Who tracks, and two Choir songs to everyone's surprise. As for the classic Berries trax: many many goose-bump moments - I Wanna Be With You, Let's Pretend, Tonight, I Can Remember, Overnight Sensation... hell, just about everything! The mix - well, it was about the best I've ever heard. Every instrument sounded CD quality, and at the proper relational level to each other; loud enough to get your rocks off, but not so loud that it blurred together. If you closed your eyes to the fact that Eric's classic 'do is now more salt than pepper, Wally has gained many a pound and has silver hair down to his waist, and Jimmy looks like a 55 year old auto broker (which he is) -- you were immediately transported back to the early 70s. It really was a fantastic show, every aspect of it. And, importantly, the band was spirited and in good spirits. Mr Carmen smiled a lot, joked, and seemed genuinely happy to be there -- D Smalley was just plain loving it and everybody -- and Wally B was hilarious, with his Jackie Gleason impressions, half-assed jokes, and admonitions against smoking as he staggered in a swirl of cigarette smoke from the butt on his machine head. They all professed lots of love to their fans, "the best fans in the world - who else would keep after a band to reunite for 30 years?" I would highly welcome a tour, and every fan of theirs should do everything possible to see it and bring along anyone else who might be interested. Honestly!!