Night #3 - The Pontiac Grille - I like what they did with the rehab of the venue. Very cool vibe! South Street was hoppin' and the weather was great. The Smile opened with a great set of bright and sunny guitar pop. Milkshake Jones was th eonly band to cancel for the week. Bicycle Thieves from Washington, DC were a big surprise. I knew very little about them, and hearing comparisons to early Weezer didn't do much for my anticipation of their set, but they converted me! Good songs, good hooks, good vocals, very good playing! A lot of energy from these young guys! The CD is really good as well. I'd recommend these guys anytime! The Villas, from my old stomping grounds of Allentown, Pa, are always top notch. Bill Villa's has been around for many years and certainly knows how to play pop music! Great songs and great stage show! Their CD "Set For Life" is a must have! Up next was another pleasa! ! ! ! nt surprise from yet another Philly band that I had only heard a small buzz about but not much more...BC Camplight. Whew, where have I been??? This guy / band was awesome! Blew me away with their brand of jangle keyboard pop. Just keys, bass, and drums. A bit sparse sonically, but it worked so well. They had only 2 CD's left to sell and there was a rush to the stage as soon as they were finished with their set. Two lucky patrons got the CD's and about a dozen or so asked at the merch table if we had any. Acme Rock group was next and played a great set of Pop / Psych. Eric Rex writes good hooks and the set was hot! Great to see Eric back on his feet after a bizarre elevator accident mashed him but good! The Gripweeds ended the night by bringing down the house! Some bands are just money in the Bank quality wise, and the Gripweeds never, ever disappoint! They RAWK! --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? The all-new My Yahoo! – Get yours free!