Hey all, Iım not sure how many of you are in or near Toronto, but just in case you hadnıt heard about this show, I thought Iıd mention it. Earlier this year I decided that it would be fitting to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Nick Drakeıs death with a tribute concert to raise funds for a cause which, while having nothing to do with Nick or his life, is something that is very close to my heart. All proceeds from the evening will be going to Willow (http://www.willow.org/) which is a breast cancer support centre here in Toronto, providing information, support and guidance for women who have been newly-diagnosed with breast cancer. The evening will commence with a screening of the Jeroen Berkvens film ³A Skin Too Few², a beautiful documentary on Nickıs life. Following the film will be three sets of live music, one for each of Nickıs albums, performed by a host of Torontoıs finest musicians: Andrew Aldridge, David Celia, Lori Cullen, Dean Drouillard, Dyniss, Dan Goldman, Michael Holt, Myself, Liane De Lotbiniere, Brian Macmillan, Ray Montford, Jeremy Robinson, Jonathan Seet, Oh Susanna, Kurt Swinghammer, Chris Warren, Mitch Willer and Royal Wood. There will also be a raffle with some wonderful prizes which have been donated by Robert Kirby (Nickıs friend and arranger), Joe Boyd (Nickıs producer), Patrick Humphries (Nickıs biographer) and Cally Calomon, the manager of Nickıs estate. Itıs been such a thrill for me to be in touch with these people. Totally unexpected and very humbling. The show is on Thursday November 25th at The Rivoli. EARLY START TIME! If you want to watch the film (which I highly recommend), it will be starting at 8pm sharp, and the music starts at 9pm. No being cool and rolling in at 11 OıClock....youıll miss the show...and get there early because I anticipate a full house. The cover is $10 and raffle tickets are $2 each or 6 for $10. Check out the promo poster here: http://onfinite.com/libraries/136751/1d0.jpg Thanks everyone! Luke Jackson