Miguel: I'm feeling your pain, man. For some reason (perhaps I have a masochistic streak?), I compulsively watch these meaningless awards shows -- knowing full well that I'll just come away sickened. I, too, was suckered in by the promise of "unseen" Beatle footage, and came away from the whole thing feeling vaguely cheap at how anticlimactic it all was. On the "up" side (always looking for that silver lining, that's me), the performances during the show at least appeared to be live. I listened hard for backing tracks and the like, but in our post-Ashlee world, it looks like these Top 40 types are going out of their way to prove that they can, like, sing. Just one question though -- what's so great about that Usher record? I've heard the singles. It's pretty generic hip-pop. Has R&B degenerated that badly? john. ___________________________ John L. Micek State Government Reporter The Morning Call Harrisburg, Pa. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Miguel Motta" To: Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 6:50 AM Subject: American Music Awards Last night I was channel surfing and bumped into the American Music Awards ceremony... I shun these presentations because it's always full of the usual Pop (I say this lightly) R&B "flavor-of-the-month" drivel...But I stayed only because the announcer kept teasing to "stay tuned for an unseen-in-40-years Beatles' video"... After suffering through the likes of Usher, Outkast and a cast of other "flavors" finally the moment came to view the "unearthed" Beatles classic... Much to my dissapointment it was a clip that is easily viewed on "The Beatles Live" video issued by Sony a few years ago (it is yet to debut on DVD altho' I've seen dubbed copies on Ebay)... To make matters worse Jimmy Kimmel, the show's host, joked "Boring..." as the camera came back to him after the video clip (to which the audience booed and Kimmel's joke fell flat on its face)... Anyway I felt like a fool to have trusted that a highly glossy and commercial joke award show like the AMA could be serious about presenting a "rare unearthed" Beatles clip... Cheers Miguel