Brad Harvey said.. snip The thrill of meeting The Jayhawks' Mark Olsen (he was a dishwasher), seeing Dave Pirner drunk and knowing Prince peed in the same urinals was truly the stuff dreams are made of for a little band from Moline--- Ha. There was this period post Purple Rain (naturally) where Prince would keep a "low profile" in the upstairs area (wearing typical Prince clothes and had a couple of thugs watching over him). In, Donmand@a... wrote: > Steve: > > That makes two of us on this list that saw U2's 1st Concert in Minneapolis. > Actually First Avenue was still called Uncle Sam's at the time. U2 had released > their 1st album: BOY. It's was April 1981 and a bunch of my friends went out > to the old Met Stadium to watch the last game of outdoor baseball for the > Minnesota Twins. Don, That's cool. Since I sold beer at the Met Stadium I may have sold you your last beer at the park, too! No, actually I didn't work the day they shut down the Met. I did grow up about 6 blocks from the Met Stadium and spent a LOT of time at the park. Anyway, I guess you saw the end of one era and the beginning of another, in the same day. One thing...are you sure it was still called Uncle Sam's in 1981? I thought it changed it's name to First Avenue before this, like in 1978 or 1979. I was at the University of MN post 1979 and my memory is that it was no longer Uncle Sams during that time. But, then it could be my memories are just blurring together. Steve D