<> It's funny that this should come up, especially after someone recently talking about All Music Guide totally getting it wrong on a late-period Association disc. I actually reviewed "Neo Wave" at the very beginning of my career writing for AMG, nearly six years ago. At the time I liked a few songs a lot, but felt that it was too much of a Cheap Trick retread to be all that great, and that it sacrified some of the Beach Boys-on-speed quality of the first album. In retrospect, however, I think "Neo Wave" is the superior of the two discs; perhaps not as expected, but with far more replay value and with generally better songs and more variety. This is, of course, the flaw of AMG: You write something ages ago that you no longer agree with and yet it's still there, staring you in the face (the same is true when I find poorly-written early clips--they're like embarassing baby photos that I can't get rid of). I do think that AMG, despite its flaws (which are more glaring since the disastrous redesign), does a great job of cataloging everything that's out there, and I consistently use it as a buying guide. And it's not their fault that, over the course of six years, I re-evaluated a record again and again and came to a drastically different conclusion; I just hope that you all can forgive me :) --Jason http://www.livejournal.com/users/danabnrml9