Hi all For those interested.. i've just finished a new album with a fellow called Mark Moldre. Basically we are tossing up whether we should call ourselves the boring but easily explained "Carpenter/Moldre" (or vise-versa), or call ourselves a 'band name'. To that point, we've got a little poll happening on my website at www.mcarp.com where you can vote for your favourite name from a shortlist of some we've put together. While you're there, you can download a FREE mp3 of 'Tulsa' from the album. This will only be available for a limited time. Between that track and the background information about the project up on the front page of the site you should be able to make a decision on the band name... While you're there, why don't you check out some of the reviews for Rolling Ball. I know some of you still haven't got it yet... so why don't you go and listen to the mp3 samples there or at the Not Lame site whilst reading the good reviews from all over the world. Then go and order it from Not Lame!! (if you should feel so inclined) :-) Also, for those who missed out the first time, there are a limited number of copies of SOOP#1 available again from the site, and also from Not Lame. SOOP#2 is progressing nicely, and i'm working out whether it or the Carpenter/Moldre album will be the next release, probably in the first quarter of next year. Sorry for the shameless plug, but i consider you all friends, and figure that the poll thing at least is worth a laugh.. And i LOVED 3 or 4 songs from the last Elton record... MC top picks so far for 2004: Eugene, Cliff, Tim Reid, Brian Wilson, Adam Marsland, The Finns, Steve Earle, Ron Sexmith, Buddy Miller, Ben Harper and the BBOA, Butterfly 9 and me :-)... (with a few i'm waiting expectantly to hear..)