Rockin Horse: Mr. Barone also turned me onto this gem. Recently I have been listening a lot to Blue Ash, Pugwash and Badfinger. RH fits in so nicely. I love this album. Great pop music. So sad that music this good is hidden all these years. Anyone know of other in the same vein that need "discovering"? Bevis Frond: I also read a lot about Mr. Saloman and wanted to try it out. After the initial thrill of discovery wore off, I found I didn't are to listen to the CDs I bought. As Stewart mentioned there are a few good songs, but most are way too long for my tastes. not that I don't like long songs, but these just seem to go nowhere fast. I pulled out "son of walter" last week to give it another chance. no chance, could not even get thru the whole thing. Elton John: All I can say is Wow!! Elton was one of my favorites growing up and I never tire of his older stuff. I also had read all the hype about this "return to form". Well after listening to it today it truly is. Gone are the bloated songs, and in their place are some really great songs. It helps that he has his excellent band, minus Dee Murray who passed away, a nd is writing with Bernie Taupin. His voice sounds better than it has in years. He had throat surgery and now his voice is deeper, but it sounds so good. If you liked Honky Chateau, Madman, Tumbleweed, I really think you will enjoy this one. It won't make you forget the classics, but so what. And for 10 bucks at bestbuy, if your an old fan, it might be worth it. Michael vg __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page.