OK, I know, I know, you hear this a million times right... "Fans of Beatles, Badfinger must check this one out". Well, this time, I'm saying it with feeling. :) From 1971, Rockin' Horse "Yes It Is" re-released on Rev-Ola (thanks to Michael Barone for this tip!!!). This is fab, whether your talking about the perfect Merseybeat styled lead off track "Biggest Gossip in Town" to the more rough edged gem "Don't you ever think I cry" to, well, so many more. A few songs really sound a lot like Badfinger (in a good way), to my ears. This disc is full of gems that I know many of you would simply adore. Anyone else listening to this one care to chime in? And now for a horse of a different color, Bevis Frond. Where to start? Do I start? Anyone? I keep seeing their name pop up over the years but never took the plunge. Last year John Cale put out a great pop disc. This year many are singing Brian Wilson's praise for SMILE. So, now I hear Elton John is getting some praise for his latest disc. He's going for a return to his earlier sound. Has anyone heard it. As I've mentioned, I love his early work but stiiiiiiiiill, I'm oh so very cautious about jumping in feet first on this one, without a push. Anyone? Steve D. NP: Rockin' Horse