Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 15:12:19 EST From: To: Subject: Drunk poetry Message-ID: <> I had to laugh at receiving an Audities digest that consisted of about ten consecutive posts with the subject, "RE: Drunk poetry". I thought that I had somehow stumbled onto a Dylan Thomas listserv. You'll get no argument from me re the Doors being classic rock's most overexposed band, or much of Morrison's verbiage being overwrought and pretentious. I like some of the Doors' material ("The Crystal Ship" is one of my favorite minor-key songs -- must be that major seventh chord that Manzarek put in there ;-) ), but, yeah, I'll weigh in with the crowd that thinks that the band is somewhat overrated. And I'm with those who've opined that Morrison was a hugely pretentious poetaster of the first order. It's what sets him apart in my mind as being more obnoxious than the typical rock star. In fact, when I was in high school there was one of those periodic spasms of popular revival of the Doors. Irritated by it, I wrote a song about ol' Licorice Legs called "Mofo Risin'". Looking at them now, the lyrics seem just as overwrought in their own way as were Morrison's (I had an excuse; I was seventeen years old), but writing it was sure cathartic. Gregory Sager