Hello Joe, David Bash probably knows more, but apparently this reunion was pretty much un-expected. Doug was at IPO to guest sing with the Chicago group Swinger. He really helped with the harmonies and sang lead on a song or two. Tim (who I think now lives in Europe) found out Doug was going to be in Liverpool and showed up. Next thing you know David talked them into playing the back stage as a duo. They only played three (maybe four) songs and I'm sure one was not a Sun Sawed in 1/2 song; unfortunately I did not write down (or remember later) the songs they did sing. I'll just say they nailed the songs they did and I was very happy to have witnessed it. And to top it off, some guy in the audience had some drum sticks and asked Doug if he could play and he really made the songs take off. There was no mention of anything new in the pipeline, but Doug & Tim did appear to enjoy playing together, so who knows! If I recall correctly, Tim has released some solo stuff in Europe. Anyway, these kind of impromptu events make IPO such a special festival. Almost all the musicians are friendly and check out the other bands and often know the other bands. And sometimes even lend a hand if the band needs something from guitar strings to backing vocals. Long live IPO! John