In this month's issue of Tracks is an article with Brian Wilson about the resurrection of 'Smile'. A Cliff Notes version of the rise and fall and then rise of the album including a recent interview with the mad genius himself (their quote, not mine). The tone of the peace is certainly NOT one of awe or wonder, but rather bemusement. And this is no more obvious than in the following, back-handed credit to the fans for making the album relevent: "...Then came what Wilson insiders call the BRIANISTAS: 'Smile'-obsessed get-a-lifers who'd begun unearthing, exchanging and bootlegging remnants of the scrapped album while debating about the actual songs and sequence like characters in 'The Da Vinci Code'. " A thank you to the fans for even giving a shit would have sufficed. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records "Not Suing Our Customers Since 1985!!" Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia