Anytime "Old Days" or "Saturday In The Park" shows up on the radio, I turn it up. Songs like these just create good feelings and bring back good memories. When I heard "Cinnamon Park" on the local public radio station, I turned that up, too. Although I don't own a lot of her records, I've enjoyed Jill Sobule's work since I heard "Too Cool To Love". I thought "I Kissed A Girl" might have damaged her career by putting her into a novelty category, and I'm glad to see that wasn't the case. I thoght she did a wonderful job of "reinterpreting" the song, and it certainly mad me go out and get "Underdog Victorious," There's an interview with her in Tracks (I think) where shew talks about being mistaken for Jewel, and about some early interactions between the two, and it's a fun read. Greg Matecko