just got my copy of Bowman's latest, "living to dream," from bruce at notlame and i must say, believe the hype! every once in a while a disc comes along that grabs me from beginning to end. this is one of them. another was Owsley's debut, to which this disc has been favorably compared. other start-to-finish winners in the recent past have been Brian Lovely's "superimpose" and both Taxiride discs. Bowman hews close to the power pop joy formula, but not too close: he's thrown in more than enough surprise twists and turns to keep it interesting. his voice reminds me of Paul Melancon, who has been known to post on audities (i think) or the ELO list. so if we all get Bowman, maybe he'll put out a third disc! enjoy the music, ned Ned Hibberd ned(at)nedTV.net NP: Spock's Beard "there and here"