Sly Stone....Changed the face of Music in the 60's and 70's??? Ha, what a JOKE! I'm looking thru my collection of over 1500 LP's and CD's and can't find the Sly guy...anywhere? Gee; I must have slept thru the 60's & 70's! Just another "burn out" who got LUCKY and had a few Hits; "crashed and burned" later on. Probably got in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame before 200 other more deserving Bands! Has he played any Casino's or Ribfest's lately? Don Never Playing: "Dance to the Music" In a message dated 10/29/04 2:04:26 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: Apparently the band slept in the apartment of an acquaintance of mine that night - on floors - on couches etc. What a sad state of affairs. This is the same guy who got married in Madison Square Garden. The same guy who changed the face of music in the 60's and 70's. I actually saw Sly Stone in the flesh though. Anybody else have any Sly memories to share?