Flip side of that coin, a whole lotta singer-songwriters don't have the best voices or the best stage presence or the best (heaven forbid) dance moves. Makes for a different kind of art altogether. Neither being more valid than the other. Depending on one's biases, of course. Two cents offered. Accepting change in return. Christopher **All good points Christopher. And I have no problems with bands that call themselves bands and with performers that call themselves performers.....what pisses me off to no end are performers that call themselves BANDS!! A few years ago, I heard Justwhimp Timberfake call "NSync a "BAND"!! They are / were no more a BAND than the Partridge Family were! Just because Timberwuss "co-wrote" a song on their album with 16 Swedish pop producers does not make him a songwriter nor does it mean his "BANDmates" actually got into the studio and CREATED all of the music. Now, if he came out and called themselves "Performers" or "Singers / Dancers"...much like a Broadway musical (which is what they really are right?)...then I would not have a problem with them. And jsut because you sit in the mixing room while the music is being mixed does not mean you WROTE the song right? These "performers" really give the word BAND a bad name. Correct me if my memory is faulty, but did the Temptations or the 5th Dimension ever call themselves a BAND? Doremi Fasolatido --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!