Did anybody catch Saturday Night Live last night...I have to admite, I rarely watch it anymore, but saw a story on FARK this morning that her lip-sync apparatus went awry exposing her as a fraud last night when while playing her second song, the vocal track from the first song was piped it....not surprising, but it is kind of nice to see someone actually get caught! Showing much class, at the end of the show she appatrently came out and blamed her band for playing the wrong song! Here's a link to see it: http://www.collegehumor.com/news/ashlee_snl.wmv Funny and uncomfortable...and a little sicken ing when you think about great acts like The Shazam who can't get a break.... Rich B _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Express yourself with Y! Messenger! Free. Download now. http://messenger.yahoo.com