With apologies to the rest of the Audities group, I felt I had to respond to this ridiculous post. Those uninterested in "baseball", the Red Sox, the Cardinals, MLB payrolls, etc., are hereby advised to look away. To: "TwangBoy" What's with the "F the Yankees and Cardinals"...? (I understand the Yankees portion for various and sundry reasons.) For me, I had nothing but respect, as a Cardinal fan, for the Red Sox and the way they played the game. (Butchering defensive play notwithstanding.) I could surmise that the "F the ______ and Cardinals!" comes of joy and exuberance but lest those of you still reading forget-or don't know, the "Evil Empire" is called that for a reason: namely, because they *outspend*, seemingly at will and (mostly) whim, all other MLB teams...in fact, the disparity is rather ridiculous when you actually sit down and go over the $ figures. But......... the Red Sox payroll is Number 2........ We're not celebrating the demise of one "Evil Empire"....the King isn't dead...he just wears another uniform....... So, "TwangBoy", no offense to you-at all, but I say, LOUDLY: F___ the REDDD SOXXXXXX!!!!! --- In audities@yahoogroups.com, TwangBoy@a... wrote: > finally!!!!!! > > after 86 years!!!!! > > F the Yankees and Cardinals!!!!!!!!