At Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 02:12:14 Greg wrote: >>Gary Pig once told me that Apple Records has a 50 year business plan for >>ongoing Beatles projects which began in earnest starting with the >>Anthologies. > >I'm not a bit surprised. Look at how well such a strategy works for Disney. >Husband the product carefully; rerelease it at long-separated intervals >when >you have some sort of an excuse around which you can wrap an ad campaign >(the fiftieth anniversary of the original release of *Fantasia*, say, or >the >next generation of technological capability to manipulate old Beatles >tracks); stir up the hoopla as oldsters wax nostalgic and young'uns want to >see what all the fuss is about; and profit. Lather, rinse, and repeat. > >The Beatles will never record another song, but Disney's proved that their >studio could stop making movies tomorrow and *still* reap rerelease profits >for the next 50 years. So the Beatle money machine can and will likely >follow suit. The irony of the whole thing is that the Beatle money machine will be cranking out wads of cash for the Beatles CHILDREN at this point and not the band....neither Ringo, McCartney, Yoko nor Olivia will be alive when the last Beatles archaelogical dig occurs in 2046 (provided none of them live to be 102 years old :-) It'll be curious to see, as in previous arguments on this list, whether there'll be anyone in the world who gives a flying fig to actually buy this stuff in whatever digital or metamorphed format exists at the time. Jaimie Vernon, Bullseye