At Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 10:03:31 Paolo wrote: >I've thought about something in those terms - that'd be the highest >tribute... but as a box...probably suicidal!... If it should happen then >one disc per year would be the best solution. Gary Pig and I were thinking three discs a year. >I don't mean to criticize for I truly believe the work you've released is >fab! Thanks! Credit must truly go to the artists cause without their particular skill as performers the Beatles tribute would be nothing. >I suppose you couldn't get to cut-out one since you kept both "Eleanor >Rigby" versions... which is fine... but I prefer disc 1's (The First Time). I'll let the band know.....there's been such mixed reaction to this interpretation....though, they kicked ass at the Beatles tribute concert we held for the acts on the project back in August. >I share some comments regarding the fine versions in disc #3... in >particular The Andersons and The Roswells...Dear Prudence by the Carpet >Frogs also, definetly, but perhaps you chose to not include it... just >because (guessing here) it's "too faithful" to the original? The Carpet Frogs version was already released commercially many, many years ago. It's from their "Frog Curry" CD which we now control. The current version of the band had indicated they wanted to record something new for the tribute but never did, so when it came time to sequence the CDs I put "Dear Prudence" on the tentative list pending the appearance of a new song. It never materialized and we'd already made the final choice for discs 1 & 2. To be honest, it was held back because it would have meant THREE performance contributions by Greg Godovitz who already had a Goddo and Anger Brothers song on the tribute. The Frogs song would have made it too much like we were pandering to co-producer Greg Godovitz. >Finally, I'm sure you did spread the word about this project... but somehow >I find it hard to believe that some artists would miss this call had they >known about it... I am talking about bands that are often mentioned in this >list. > >I would expect Michael Mazzarella/The Rooks and Cotton Mather for songs >originally with Lennon vocals. Chris von Sneidern is missed also... You probably missed my post a few weeks ago explaining how the submission process worked. Needless to say, over the 3 year life-span of assembling it we received more than 300 submissions. There was plenty of notification on this list and then we had to sit back and work with what was given to us. >perhaps you could start a new project... the orginals you mentioned >earlier, but without any compromise about releasing the set of 13. We won't be revisiting the Beatles again anytime soon....this set is one-of-a-kind and I'm proud of how it turned out (flaws and all), but it's time to set our sights on something next year's Steely Dan trib! :-) Jaimie Vernon, Bullseye