Hi Judith, I think you meant Words on Music and you are correct about Should. They used to be called Shift and released a couple really great shoegaze-by-way-of ...I think Houston,Texas ...discs. Both now available as Should on the Words on Music label. -r > Hi guys! Remember DUGGA DUGGA DUGGA the album that had various artists > cover Wire's "Drill"? In a word: Yuck. > > Now along comes a new full length tribute to my all-time fave WIRE song > "Outdoor Miner" on the Music And Words label www.music-on-words.com > There are 19 songs and the biggie acts are Lush, Flying Saucer Attack > and Adam Franklin from Swervedriver. There are lots of creative covers > and fer sure a couple of bombs. Only two of W&M acts are on the disc > (including the great shoegazery Should from Austin I'm going to > investigate further). I had heard about this tribute early on and they > notified me when it was ready to ship. Only $11.00 ppd. > > regards, Judith > > Outdoor Miner > > No blind spots in the leopard's eyes > Can only help to jeopardize > The lives of lambs, the shepherd cries > An afterlife for a silverfish > Eternal dust less ticklish > Than the clean room, a houseguest's wish > He lies on his side, is he trying to hide? > In fact it's the earth, which he's known since birth > Face worker, a serpentine miner > A roof falls, an underliner > Of leaf structure, the egg timer >