Someone on this list made a cdr copy of the Dreams So Real "Nocturnal Omissions" CD for me a few years ago because it was no longer available.........ever since then I've been checking eBay periodically to see if the original item shows up, to no avail. I can't remember who sent me the copy back then, but am wondering if anyone who owns the original knows if it was issued as a regular "pressed" CD when it came out, or was released as a cdr (it was a fanclub-only piece, and sometimes these are done as cdrs). Please let me know if you have info on this, and if it turns out to be a standard "pressed" CD and you have one you might be willing to sell, get in touch with me at 'cause I'd pay quite nicely for it. My cdr works fine, but I prefer the durability of regular CDs. Thanks, Stuart