Ah, what a night!!! Love and the Zombies together. The last time Love was here, in Minneapolis, Arthur was very hoarse (yet it was still a very memorable, odd and unique show). Last night he started with saying "OK, this is a make up show for last time. If we f@ck up, well that's what's it about". Big smile and they jumped into the opening number. They did not "f@ck up". He and the band had the audience in the palm of his hand all night long. This time the band featured original member Johnny Echols! Baby Lemonade regulars were along again with typical great playing. Arthur's performance was loose and he clearly loves to perform. His voice sounded terrific. I was in heaven watching them perform. It's fun to watch when performers clearly are enjoying the moment with the audience (same thing can be said about the Zombies). During the show... A guy in the back yelled, "Arthur, I've been waiting 40 years for this!" Arthur said. "Hey, man, what about me! I've been waiting 40 years to play for you". The Zombies were great too! The set had a few more Zombies tunes then the prior time I saw them, which for my money is a good thing. Colin was in great voice per usual. They had Jim Rodford on bass again. This time, in the band Jim's son is on the drums. OK, I'm no drummer but this guy was fabulous! The few times Rod Argent had those keyboard grooves going on, I just focused on the drummer in sheer awe. An odd aside, to me, the guitarist looked a bit like a clean cut 60's era Brian Wilson. Songs performed: "Care of Cell 44", "A Rose for Emily", "Time of the Season", "This will be our year", "Brief Candles" (they indicated it has only been done live one other time?), "She's not there", "Summertime" (brilliant), a song from Bunny-lake (blanking on title) and from Colin's first disc: "Misty Roses" (lovely). Others too but that's all the Zombie's tunes names I remember. I know this was discussed before. I'm not one who wants to sees a band for pure nostalgia of it. But to me, these bands have such a wonderful spirit about them in their performance and deliver the goods as well as anyone. Check them out if you're on the fence. It will be a show that stays with you, I promise. Best, Steve D.