That's not reveling, but wallowing. It's called S.A.D., and you need more light. I usually make the "my preferences have gone from pop to sombre" point at this time of year, except that I feel better this time around. Although I am a bit further to the south and the cold hasn't hit here yet, plus we're still on DST. So there's still time . . . My primary winter bands, btw, are Red House Painters, the innocence mission, Low, and for some reason Eno. g P.S. James "Laid" is friggin' amazing. Hmmm . . . Eno again. On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 00:00:59 -0400 writes: > fall is here. > it's darker. > and noticeably colder here in chicago, even though we > got screwed out of a summer and a playoff berth. sigh. > damned cubs. > i've been sick. > i'm tense with political anxiety. > i'm single and for the first time in a long time, in a > state of wanting to be 'distracted.' > > and i'm loving, loving, loving damien rice. > back to the counting crows. > wandering with del amitri. > finding myself going around to the indigo girls. > going for the van morrison. > solo dan wilson. > james 'laid.' > > sometimes, i call it rainy day music. but, if i'm > being honest, i'm talking about the stuff that i put > on because i want to revel in something ranging from > 'mellow' to downright sad. > > anyone got some elliot smith they'll lend me? ________________________________________________________________ Speed up your surfing with Juno SpeedBand. Now includes pop-up blocker! Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!