~~~oh yeah. i love precise language (no sarcasm intended). "that's not revelling, but wallowing." touche. and red house painters!!!! thanks! i have a mix cd a 'friend' made me once. thanks! jocelyn p.s. i KNOW i need more light, but i can't get more light cause it's fading fast ("daylight fading, go and waste another year..."), and i don't have the money for a good sun lamp!! :) --- garymaher@juno.com wrote: > That's not reveling, but wallowing. It's called > S.A.D., and you need > more light. > > http://www.sada.org.uk/ > ===== this surreal life: www.smussyolay.blogspot.com _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today! http://vote.yahoo.com