At Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 07:21:05 Kelly wrote: >now wait just a cotton pickin minute people - i'm >almost positive that movie was set in Minnesota. Sure, >maybe Greg S. has the northern wisconsin right, but >isn't the whole deal - the snow plowing of 8 feet of >snow, the strangely wholesome Fargo-ness of it all - >does that not just cry out "twin cities" to you all? > >and re: Sweet Caroline - whilst at karaoke a few weeks >back, i too wondered what cultural phenom caused >EVERY...SINGLE...PERSON in the bar to shout out, >during the part of the chorus just after "..never >seemed so good" the chant, "SO GOOD! SO GOOD! SO >GOOD!" quite akin to the "GET LAID! GET F$CKED!" part >of Mony Mony. Speculation at my table was that it came >from that movie as well, but no one could specifically >remember if that was actually IN the movie or not. Guess you guys never saw the massive beer commercial campaign last year where "Sweet Caroline" was used as a comic send-up of a singing-around-the-campfire cottage spoof. Young guy pulls out acoustic guitar, friends are anxious to hear his take on "Sweet Home Alabama", he blasts into Sweet Caroline....pan back across cottage and lake....EVERYONE is singing the song. Of course, I can't for the life of me remember which beer it was (Molson's or Labatt's). Jaimie Vernon Bullseye