Dear Andrew, I think I can relate to you and your letter to Brain Wilson. We're coming from the exact same headspace, if you understand me correctly (and I truely believe you do, natch). I, too, have written songs, although you've had the pure dumb luck to have actually scored a hit single or two. Like you, I don't read msuic either, but I, too, can compose symphonic masterworks -- if only given the opportunity, time, and finacial backing. The music I hear in my head exceeds even the mediocre Creed-like ambitions of the most paltry songwriters in my realm of influence, and the music is so complicated I need help in realizing it's purest golden essence. I think you can relate, to, to this phenomena? I would love to be asked to play in one of your many tribute bands, or to help you record some songs of mine; would you consider entering something of mine in the 2004 Sonicbids International Songwriting Competition? There's still time, Andrew. Just a thought, brother. I can relate to the mental anguish you've endured; I, too, suffer from delusion and apathy. Much like Brian, I've done my share of mushroomsacidSTP, and my psyche has suffered as a reslut. I am not sure if you've ever been anything other than a raging alcoholic, but I have, and it's had far-ranging effects on virtually no one in the music industry. Am I doomed to remain nameless and obtuse, obscure and unacknowleged? As are you? Jealousy over other's musical success (see: SMiLE) will only lead you to the Cat Steven's-like exile you so desperately wish to avoid. Please, don't be a bitter Lonely Boy, and let other, talented people take their rightful place in the glowing embers of fame's brightest spotlight. You've had a small taste of success, and you've earned the right to be resentful and openly bitter, but it really doesn't matter because you are a COMPOSER of MUSIC: complicated, deluxe-burger-with-everything music, music of the spheres, music of the Great Buffalo Cosmic Grandfather's Universe. You, sire, are MUSICIAN. Never, ever forget that you are a Special Person. <:( If you ever need musical guidance, fresh new melodic ideas, a guitar or bass rifftone, or even some badly played banjo, you know where to reach me. Even though the guys from Brian Wilson's band are not available at this time, I am, and will continue to be, no doubt now and into the not-unforseeable future, at your disposal, musically speaking. You are great, and your songs are great, and, if you would let me into your sphrere of existence, then you will not need a Jefferson Foskett to lift you higher into a Stevie Wonder-like plain of illumination -- you need only look within. God has blessed you; now it's my turn. May peace follow on your heels the way success hasn't. Tam P.S. The above was a satire; get over it. :) _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today!