Thanks to Chris Coyle for all the interesting info. on the Beatles US mixes. Fascinating. I'll prob. end up buying this set. However, what the Beatles catalogue really needs is for someone to dive in and create fresh modern stereo mixes of as much of their material as possible (like the work done on Yellow Submarine songtrack) and ALSO to remaster them using up to date technology. I have all the CD versions of their albums and I find the sound on some of them incredibly thin and weedy (Please Please Me, Beatles for Sale, Revolver). I had the Beach Boys 2-fers when they came out back around 1990, and happened to pick up (cheaply) the remastered new (circa 2000) version of Today/Summer Days. The newer one blows the earlier CD away TOTALLY in respect of audio quality. The Beatles back catalogue deserves to be kept up to date sonically in the same way. So, Apple, Parlophone, whatever ..... how about new versions of all the Beatles albums, each containing remastered modern "true" stereo mixes PLUS the original mono mixes (over which George Martin took so much care). Now that would be something worth waiting for. Bob