Jaimie: As for "Ticket To Ride"....well, we were disappointed that we got so little material pre-1964. F'rinstance, we only got ONE song from "Please Please Me" (the title track found on Disc 3 by the Dipsomaniacs, who begged me NOT to release the recording....but, I have because I still think it's great). Where was "Help", "A Hard Day's Night", "I Want To Hold You Hand" and "Can't Buy Me Love". I had to resort to doing a version of "I Saw Her Standing There" just to balance out the early years material. Me: That's why it's sometimes good to determine beforehand what songs different acts should do. Of course, the downside of that would be that you wouldn't have gotten as many submissions as you got and there would have been no guarantee that the finished tracks you did receive would've been up to your standards. _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! http://toolbar.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200415ave/direct/01/