Saw Adam and his Chaos band last night. Outstanding show, though I can't expect anything less from him. A good mix of stuff from his new solo LP and some Cockeyed Ghost tunes. A few songs just raised the roof. A nifty cover of Joni Mitchell's "Free Man in Paris", with Evie Sands doing a verse (she also took the lead on one song) -- of course she can sing, but she's also quite the guitarist. I'm in the midst a quite an 8 days of music, from Franz Ferdindand (w/Delays and Futureheads) and Brian Wilson last week and Love and The Zombies tonnight -- and Marsland's set was right up there in quality. Check out his tour schedule and if's coming, go see him. One other note -- The Millions did their hard rock thing (had to leave a bit early, unfortunately) and Auditeer Christopher Gray did a swell job on vox on a terrific cover of Thin Lizzy's "The Boys Are Back in Town". Mike Bennett ===== Chicago Pop Show Report on Yahoo Groups: Music reviews: