You won't regret buying that CD as it is absolutely INCREDIBLE! I had been listening non-stop up until last night's show here in the DC area and probably will continue to do so. Both Adam Marsland and Eugene had great sets last night. We had a blast despite the interesting venue. My only regret is that i won't get to see another show on this tour. :( lauree > I just wanted to publicly offer my regrets that I > couldn't make it to Eugene's show last night in > Virginia Beach. I had to work last night and then > this morning as well, and, when I called the club, > they said he wasn't going to be going on until 11:30 > PM. Well, given that the club is a half-hour away, > I just couldn't picture myself being worth anything > today if I'd gone. I did, however, feel guilty > enough to go online and buy his CD last > night...which means he got more out of me than he > would have had I attended the show, which didn't > even have a cover charge... _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today!