I just wanted to publicly offer my regrets that I couldn't make it to Eugene's show last night in Virginia Beach. I had to work last night and then this morning as well, and, when I called the club, they said he wasn't going to be going on until 11:30 PM. Well, given that the club is a half-hour away, I just couldn't picture myself being worth anything today if I'd gone. I did, however, feel guilty enough to go online and buy his CD last night...which means he got more out of me than he would have had I attended the show, which didn't even have a cover charge... Latah, WiLL > > From: "Kevin Gandel" > Date: 2004/10/12 Tue PM 03:15:32 EDT > To: "audities" > Subject: Eugene Edwards and Adam Marsland tonight in DC > > > Anyone else going besides my friends and I? > > -kev >