Hey Jim: Thanks for your own share of personal venom directed at Raspberries Fans; me in particular. I'm thoroughly amazed and disgusted that you feel music fans aren't entitled to voice their opinions on an uncensored music board. Who can't understand why it is not a 6 member Reunion? It's not venom; it's opinions and facts to make for a lively discussion. This goes on all the time here on the Audities music board. How about all the microscopic critique: positive and negative of Brian Wilson's new SMILE record? Do you consider this to be personal venom directed at the genius of Brian Wilson? Just because some fans don't like the SMILE CD or think his voice is not up to par? Are these fans who post their opinions to be considered nasty and critical? I don't think so. I have a few questions for you: Mr. Jim Bonfanti ! ! ! Why don't you want Scott McCarl in the Raspberries Reunion? You shared the stage with Scott, Wally and Dave at the Odeon in Cleveland on July 18, 1998? There was even a Raspberries logo on your drum set! Why did you decline to play on the Refreshed recording? Why don't you consider the Raspberries a band for the "Starting Over" album? Will you be playing any songs from "Starting Over" at the Reunion? You mentioned in a past interview...You would have liked to have played on the Overnight Sensation recording? If "Starting Over" songs are performed? Whose catalog are they from? Not Raspberries; according to a previous interview. If you DO want Scott McCarl to be a part of the Raspberries Reunion...invite him. It's still not late to make this Special Night....even More Special! There was no fiction or lies in my previous posts about the Raspberries Reunion. Only facts and the truth. In the words of Jack Nicholson: "You can't handle the truth"! Don In a message dated 10/3/04 9:02:18 PM Central Daylight Time, audities-owner@smoe.org writes: Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 17:40:31 +0000 From: jb0063@comcast.net To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Re: Official Raspberries Reunion! Message-ID: <100320041740.12571.4160398E000D149B0000311B2200734830CCC0CFCF0D06@comcast.net> I’m thoroughly amazed and outright disgusted by the negativity and ridiculous hair splitting regarding The Raspberries reunion show. Some of you folks must have some major issues beyond what is at hand to be so nasty and critical. Why use this reunion as a platform for your personal negative agenda? All this debate about the line up is insane!! This is the line-up that was on 3 of the 4 records, that produced the majority of hits. I would support this reunion REGARDLESS of the line-up, and regardless of which Raspberries were involved!! It’s the freaking Raspberries!!! These guys make up the greatest power-pop band EVER to many folks. For some to just sit there and post repeatedly with such venom is an absolute travesty of the spirit of rock-n-roll...period! You're being way too over-the-top for these points to be taken seriously... Moot points and useless sour grapes really serve no purpose in light of this power-pop treasure chest that’s about to be cracked open on Nov. 26th! I had always felt the earliest Raspberries records were a bit "muddy" in sonic depth as they were recorded/engineered and what a Thanksgiving treat it's gonna be to hear these songs LIVE the way they were meant to be heard!!!!!!!!!!! -Jim