At 12:40 AM 10/3/2004 +0100, you wrote: >I *hate* that song... the scansion is all off (*When* girls *get* *to* >gether...), the melody is dull and the lyrics are just plain odd... It sticks out from the rest of the album like a sore thumb. But for some reason I find it strangly interesting like many of the songs on "Love You". It would fit in better on that LP than KTSA. >Actually those harmonies sound to me like they were sequenced, as do >most of the bvs on that album. I do love Al's counter vocal on Where I >Belong. I just think BB85 should have been an EP - California Calling, >Getcha Back, Where I Belong and She Believes In Love Again. Most of >the rest of it is dreadful, especially the covers. A lot of the harmonies on that LP have that airy sampled quality. I wonder if they had any kind of auto-tune gadget to fix vocals back then?? I recall an 80's interview with Levine who said that it was impossible to get all the group together in the studio at the same time. Most of the Boys were recorded separably to keep thier egos from clashing. I think it holds up better than LA Light and KTSA and its really the last true Beach Boys album. >> and Brian's b-side "Male Ego" is a lot of fun. (It's a >> bonus track on the CD). >I do like that one , despite the horribly sexist lyrics (Landy and >Love, together as lyricists for the first time!). Sounds like a Love >You song, almost. Yeah it does. >> Never bought "Summer in Paradise" after I heard what John >> Stamos did to "Forever". > >Believe it or not that was the best track on the album. The rest were >full of lyrics (edit) I have seen "Summer In Paradise" at dollar stores for a buck (where it deserves to be). I may pick it up just for those horrible lyrics and to complete my BB's collection. Was Carl involved in any way on this - or was it Love ruining the whole show?? Billy G. Spradlin