On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 11:28:11 -0500, Billy G. Spradlin wrote: > The best track on KTSA is "When Girls Get Together" which was recorded in the > early 70's for the aborted "Landlocked" album. I *hate* that song... the scansion is all off (*When* girls *get* *to* gether...), the melody is dull and the lyrics are just plain odd...the only songs I find listenable on KTSA are Some Of Your Love (nothing special but it's fun enough for what it is) and Santa Ana Winds (and the bootlegs of that are far better). > And I like parts of "The Beach Boys" especally the harmonies on Carl's "It's > Gettin Late" and "Where I Belong" which still showed what they could do when > they were inspired, Actually those harmonies sound to me like they were sequenced, as do most of the bvs on that album. I do love Al's counter vocal on Where I Belong. I just think BB85 should have been an EP - California Calling, Getcha Back, Where I Belong and She Believes In Love Again. Most of the rest of it is dreadful, especially the covers. > and Brian's b-side "Male Ego" is a lot of fun. (It's a > bonus track on the CD). I do like that one , despite the horribly sexist lyrics (Landy and Love, together as lyricists for the first time!). Sounds like a Love You song, almost. > "California Calling" is one of the lamest surfin > retreads they ever did, even with Ringo on drums. I quite liked it, even though it's 25% Surfin' USA, 25% California Girls and 50% Al's California. > "Still Crusin" was a piece of crap - rehashed soundtrack songs. (why the hell > did I buy it new?) Brian's "In My Car" sounds like a demo. There was better > stuff on the shelf. I agree totally, although I do like Somewhere Near Japan a lot, mostly for Al's vocal. > Never bought "Summer in Paradise" after I heard what John > Stamos did to "Forever". Believe it or not that was the best track on the album. The rest were full of lyrics like "Surfers recycle now, don't you know/like everyone from California to Kokomo/We gotta keep on rockin' and help the world consciousness". Every single track on it had to have at least three of the five following qualities: Mike Love had to act like Barry White ("Doing unto others is the golden rule, but doing it to you would be so very cool") It had to mention at least five other Beach Boys songs in the lyrics ("Way back when when our master plan/was having Fun Fun Fun as America's band/We came out rocking with Rhonda and Barbara Ann/Singing of surf and sand") It had to rhyme "wouldn't it be nice" with "paradise" It had to mention the environment ("He doesn't do a whole lot with his law degree/They thought about a major oceanography/But he does a lot of thinkin' 'bout how to save the sea") It had to mention Mike Love's new-age religious views ("Met a psychic reader/With a crystal ball/Had a vision/ Said we could have it all/ I caught her gazin' /At our destiny cosmically") Compared to that, John Stamos massacring a *good* song was comparatively wonderful... -- Andrew Hickey and Trevor DeMont headline International Pop Overthrow, the Cavern, Liverpool Monday October 25