You fellows busy revisiting the Elton catalog will likely be pleased to know that there are some SACD reissues coming out in the near future, including "Captain Fantastic" amongst others. If they are anything like the recent SACD & DVD-A versions of "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road," it will be well worth it (including the potential for non-LP inclusions). Sadly "Don't Shoot Me" was not one of the titles mentioned...perhaps missing multi-tracks? As far as the Raspberries' reunion show goes - I think Don is just a tad overzealous in pointing out the "true" original lineup. Who the hell heard them with John Aleksic other than folks in Ohio back in the day? Much ado about nothing. Most folks would only know the lineups that actually made it to record. I agree it's a shame that McCarl & McBride aren't a part of this as chances are it's only to be a one-off performance IF it happens at all (as Bruce pointed out there are some combustible egos involved). Don't get me wrong, I hope it happens, and I hope that they sound good, but it still sounds like more of a hometown buzz (and ego trip) than anything "for the fans." Brioohs