Stewart wrote: I saw those ads when I was in Toronto last month: they're not for Wal-Mart, > but for a women's clothing store, the name of which I'm forgetting. > (The > scene is of women walking around London clad only in big white bath > towels, > the idea being that this store has brought all the London fashions to > Canada.) Interestingly, I saw two versions of the ad, one with the > Las' > version and one with the rather ghastly Sixpence cover. > Nope, Stewart--they *are* for Wal-Mart, announcing they're now carrying the "George" line of clothing from England. Don't get me started on commercials these days...I spent the summer away from tv, but now I'm seeing way too many annoying ads. That Gap ad with Lenny Kravitz telling us in the lamest, made-it-up-on-the-spot "song" (which probably took him days to write) how hot hipless horse Sarah Jessica Parker is. Or any number of blatantly lies in Tooth Whitening commercials: "after three days" "yep, three days" "uh uh, three days!" Three days after what? What did the teeth look like before? etc... Sheesh. Rick