Since I live in Chicago,I can't go.But I do have a question.I feel Like I've asked this before,but what can you tell me about Jill's album"The Folk Years 2003=2003"? I have never read a review or heard anything about it.Since I've liked everything I've heard by her,I'm curious if it's worth investing in. You are aware she co-wrote 4 songs on Swan Dive's magnificent "William and Marlys" album-their latest and my number one for 2004 so far.There is an incredible interview with Swan Dive on the "Pure music" site where they are asked to describe Jill in one word and they say"Firecracker".It is worth reading. >From: "Josh Chasin" >Reply-To: >To: "Pop" >Subject: Jill SObule in NYC tomorrow >Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 11:59:14 -0400 > >Anyone interested in seeing Jill Sobule at the Cutting Room in NYC-- >especially if you've never seen her before-- please write me offlist. I >have a pair of freebies but need to take someone who has never seen her >before (long story). > >--josh-- _________________________________________________________________ Get ready for school! Find articles, homework help and more in the Back to School Guide!