At 11:50 AM 9/29/2004 -0400, you wrote: >D. Seaman: > ><haven't heard it yet, and am wondering what the criticism is about...>> > >Well, for me, it was twofold; Brian's singing was hard to take (but let's >face it, the guy's 60-ssomething, so he has an excuse) and the material seemed >weak, with no hooks really reaching out and taking hold. Brian needs a steady collaborator to work with on lyrics instead of "guest star" writers and artists. The last successful one was Andy Pailey. >Like I said, I liked a lot of "Imagination," slick as it was....but there's >nothing remotely appproaching "Happy Days," "Imagination" or "South America" on >the new one. To me, it just sounds like a 60-something guy who's past his >prime trying too hard. I agree somewhat but the production of "Gettin'" is too raw and needed more work - with the way Brian's voice is now he really needs to be doubled and tripled tracked. It sounds like Brian and Co knocked this out quick while saving thier energies for Smile. I still love "Fairy Tale" silly lyrics and all, but I prefer the early 90's demo version of the title track better. >Oh, and while I'm in full Beach Boys confessional mode today, let me come >right out and say it.....I LIKE "KOKOMO!" It was a neat little radio single, and >Carl's falsetto parts were sublime. But I'm probably alone on this one...or >am I? I enjoyed it - it was nice having them have a #1 again. But it doomed all the Beach Boys sporatic later matieral to the same formula and production (Still Cruisin', Make It Big, Problem Child - Yeech!) What saves the whole song for me is Carl's great ride-in vocal part for the chorus. Though Mike Love gloats that it was "His" record that beat Brian's solo debut you have to give credit to Papa John Philips and Scott McKenzie (who recorded "If You're Going To San Francisco") for coming up with the basics for the song - before anyone thought of getting the Beach Boys to record it. I still prefer Bob & Tom's great parody - "Camel Toe"! . Billy G. Spradlin