At 12:43 AM 9/29/2004 -0500, Miles Goosens wrote: >Stewart Mason sez: >>At 11:19 AM 9/28/2004 -0700, Craig Leve wrote: >>>(Dorchester, MA - September 28, 2004) Holbrook, MA native Joe Pernice, of >>>the critically acclaimed Pernice Brothers, has written and recorded an >>>homage to Red Sox slugger Manny Ramirez, called "Moonshot Manny (Pega Luna >>>Manny)" which is available for a limited time as a download at >>> >> >>Well, is there at least a reference to the Jheri-Curl? > >Wouldn't that be in the hot follow-up single, "Headhunter Pedro"? Last >time I saw Manny's hair, it was growing out wildly, but not processed. Nah, Manny is definitely rocking the Jheri-Curl look currently, even more so than Pedro. He's also developed this bizarre habit during rallies of standing in the front of the dugout with his bat and...well, it's just impossible to describe. There's humping. Almost makes me miss Nomar and his weird-ass glove thing. > >Let's not even talk about Bronson Arroyo's hair. I think the current explosion of just plain bizarre hairstyles in the Sox dugout -- from Pedro and Manny's homage to PURPLE RAIN to my boy Johnny's waiting for the lead in the next revival of JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR (yesterday in Tampa bay, he had a row of disciples in Jesus wigs, Castro beards and togas, waving signs that read "W.W.J.D.D.?" and "Damon Is My Homeboy") to whatever the hell that is Arroyo's got goin' on -- is directly traceable to manager Terry Francona's bald-as-an-eggness. Kinda passive-aggressive, but hey, it's a weird relationship, player/coach... Anyway, GO DOWNLOAD THIS SONG! It is quite possibly the very first musical proof that Joe Pernice has a fully-functioning sense of humor, and it's one of the silliest songs I've heard in years. Plus, while I personally can't think of something I would want to do less than stand around in 15 degree weather, freezing my nuts off while a bunch of Emerson undergrads vomit on my shoes, First Night *is* something of a local tradition, and it does mean that all the drunken revelers are off downtown on New Year's Eve and not screaming unintelligible obscenities in the street and running foot races across our roof (we're in the middle of a stretch of old-fashioned row houses, and one of the more student-oriented houses has recently discovered how to work that door in the attic) like they are on all the other big party nights. S