Thats fantastic news Bruce!!! been waiting for this one for so long! I think you sent me a cdr at the end of last year and its become a firm fave. cant wait to see artwork and at last... A TRACKLISTING! been having to guess song titles until now. :-) everybody! get yourselves over there and listen now! the guy is so truly talented... cant recommend this enough! R Not Lame wrote: Okay, y', I have definitely not tended to push things on this(or any other list) with Not Lame label releases, beyond the occasional "hey, this/that CD is coming out/is out". But I'm making an exception here because of, well, exceptional music. I just put up on the Not Lame web site, lots of information and soundbites on two upcoming releases. First, The Cars tribute.......i won't waste space/words here saying what's on there other than to go to this web site we've set up w/ soundbites from almost every artist(waiting for Jason Falkner and Jon Auer's tracks to arrive in the next week, so they will follow), as well as bios and links to their web sites. (all kudos to list member, Pete Kuehl who did the brunt of putting this baby together and did an outstanding job w/ it!) Here you go: Second, for those you have been listening and seeing Brian Wilson live the last few years, we're going to releasing an album from one his band members, Scott Bennett---his solo project THE DOTTED LINE---and, seriously, is one of the most amazing, accomplished releases we've ever put out. If yr into Jon Brion, Kevin Gilbert, Owsley, Jason Falkner and McCartney.......i implore you to go this link and FORGET THE WORDS, go directly to the soundbites. Actually, implore all of you to just that.......just LISTEN. Put a lot of the soundbites up there.....long ones, too. Quickly, lots of soundbites up for Wanderlust(also, due in November) and if you have not seriously checked out Michael Carpenter's new one after the discussion on it a few weeks back.......whaddya doing?!?! Peace, Bruce @ Not Lame --------------------------------- ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun!