Hi Judith ! I 've got the Glam issue of Uncut and I just love it, it included no CD though. I've got a glam band as a sideproject to shiner22, where we dress and make up, and take alter egoes called "the Glam Gang". I love glam rock mostly Queen, Bowie, Slade and Sweet and all of them are highly represented in the magazine. It's the first time I've seen Uncut in Denmark so I guess I was plain lucky that it was the glam one I got (or maybe that's why I saw it in the first place). Anyway if you wanna know more about just feel free to email me off-list too. shineOn...:-) Fjeder aka sir Noddy Mud www.shiner22.net www.glamgang.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Judith Beeman" To: Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:09 PM Subject: speaking of Mojo/Uncut > I pick up Mojo every month at Zulu recs here in Vancouver. Uncut when I > like the cd or cover artist. However it appears I snoozed and er, loosed > with the August Mojo (jimmy page on cover, roots of zep cd) as Zulu > never got it (and I am there lots so would have seen it). And since this > Beatles issue is Sept (I got the blue cd -- Zulu let me ponder of which > I wanted) I lost out. Weird. I only saw the Jimmy Mojo when I was in > Seattle for Bumbershoot and there was also a Glam rock issue of Uncut > that looked *fantastic*. I think this glam issue is, fingers crossed, > October? > > It's a real drag missing an issue of any mag you like. I use Zulu as I > usually have a credit going, but oh the frustration. > > Anyhoo, anyone see this Glam Uncut? I didn't see who was on the cd, > it'll be perfect is all glammy stuff. > > regards, Judith > >